Nikki’s story
I am 31 years old and have been working at Maplefields for 7 years. I began working there when I started my teacher training in 2014. After my teacher training year I was employed as a full time member of staff.
Which route did you choose and why?
I route I chose was the ITT route (Initial Teacher Training) This enabled me to work within my school to gain more teaching knowledge and experience at the same time as training with the university 1 day a week. I found this route beneficial to me personally as I still needed an inome while I trained.
What support were you given?
I was team teaching in a class with the assistant head teacher at the time. This gave me an incredible role model to look up to and learn from. I was able to learn skills and startegies from her not only in hr teaching but the way she interacted with the students at more relaxed times too, such as break time. I was also given a mentor who was my mentor for my training year and my NQT year. She was able to observe me twice a week and set me targets which allowed to work on all areas of the teaching standards.
How difficult was it to manage the course and work?
I found the workload a challenge in my training year. I was teaching full time by October half term (because I was salaried). It was tricky to juggle the running of a classroom and also completing uni work. At times, it felt like two full time jobs.
Is there anything you would change if you could to make the route more manageable?
I would have liked to have been a year plan from the trainer where it set out expectations and deadlines. This would have helped me plan and organise slightly better. I would have also found it helpful to be shown examples of how they wanted our work to look. This would have given me a focus.
Would you recommend the route you chose to others?
Yes definitely, it pays you a wage as well as training you to become the professional you want to be.
Where are you now?
I am currently a year 6 teacher. I love teacher the older pupils. I have now been fully qualified for 6 years and have taught year 6 the whole time. Since completing my course I have mentored trainee teachers myself. I believe this has made me an even stringer teacher as it allows me to reflect on my own practice too.
Since completing my training I have qualified as a SENCO. School supported me through this by allowing me time off to attend sessions.
What next?
I have currently secured a new job as a SENCO at a different school. I absolutely love working where I am but unfortunately at this moment in time there is no progression route for me. I will be working in a secondary school as a full time SENCO, teaching 12 hours a fortnight.