Safeguarding Events
Safeguarding for DSL Refresher Course
With safeguarding being an essential aspect of your role, we can help you keep your knowledge and training up to date with these enhanced tailor made training packages. We have extended the training times to allow for a more comprehensive training package and opportunities to put theory into practice.
Safeguarding for DSL Refresher Course
With safeguarding being an essential aspect of your role, we can help you keep your knowledge and training up to date with these enhanced tailor made training packages. We have extended the training times to allow for a more comprehensive training package and opportunities to put theory into practice.
Safeguarding for DSL New to Role
With safeguarding being an essential aspect of your role, we can help you keep your knowledge and training up to date with these enhanced tailor made training packages. We have extended the training times to allow for a more comprehensive training package and opportunities to put theory into practice.
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Initial
- understanding of role/responsibilities in line with statutory requirements
- understanding the importance of good communication
- ability to respond to concerns and to support colleagues
- understanding of potential barriers to reporting and whistleblowing
- more understanding of ‘grooming’ process
- more confidence with decision making and liaising with other agencies
- more understanding of assessment of need and/or risk processes
- more awareness of the escalation process
- further awareness of the child protection conference and review process
- understanding of how and when to make a referral to Local Authority
- recognition of importance of keeping records safely and appropriately
- ability to support safer working practice / safer culture/learning lessons
This course will be led by Tammie Redman
All courses are Certified